We have changed the location of our annual Spring Hike.
Ponkapoag Pond is the largest of the lakes in and around the Blue Hill Reservation. The Trail scans the perimeter of the pond for about four miles and lasts about 2 hours. This hike is long, magnificent and not difficult. Pre-register here
We will walk on a path through the active golf course, to a breathtaking vista of open water, dense woods, rock formations, campgrounds, cabins, big sky, and a few hills. Nature will greet you on every path. You will see other hikers, dog walkers, horseback riders and families with baby carriages. It can be a quiet hike or a very populated hike. There is lots of room for everybody..
We have scouted out 3 special sites to do our ritual “Calling of Their Names”. This event may help relieve the stress that we carry in grief, if only for the day. It validates our loved ones presence, sends out our love and feel the power of unity of our shared circumstances.
Please Note:
Please cancel if you can’t make it Be on time so we can hike together.
Dress for weather. Use sunscreen and bug spray. Wear good comfortable, hike appropriate shoes.
There are 3 entrances. USE ONLY THE GOLF COURSE PARKING LOT and walk toward the back where the course begins, Look for our group. There, we will provide you with bottled water, a snack bar and name tags.
There is one set of bathroom facilities on the trail. The rustic wooden “out house” type for the cabins. Go before you hike!
YES!: You should bring your (leashed) dogs and other friends and family members! Your support people.
We really hope to see a good crowd. This is a spectacular walk. No one will be disappointed.
Directions: 2167 Washington Street, Canton, MA 02021
This is where Rt# 138 and Washington St, converge. It is on Washington St. Rt #138.
From Boston it is on the left. From Stoughton/ Providence it is on the right. (It’s not very well marked) The Metropolitan Skating Rink is next door. WE WILL MEET AT THE BEGINNING OF THE WALKWAY (Toward the golf course).
*For information Text Cindy at 508-269-8428 or email at cinkap56@gmail.com
Rain Date: Sun. June 9th 2:30- 4:30